T-500 and counting...
Some dudes buy a Harley. Others get hair plugs, plastic surgery, and a destructive relationship. Some drink. Still others get wild, or withdrawn, or depressed, or manic, or all of the above.
I count.
I know that is not a very entertaining way to have a mid-life crisis...but that's what I do. I count things, organize things, try to control things through order. So on May 8th of this year, my 48th birthday, I was on my igoogle page and saw the "countdown" application. You choose a date and time in the future, plug it in, and a "Dick-Clark's-Rockin'-New-Year's-Eve-type" digital display starts counting the seconds, minutes, hours, and days until that event. It made me think of my big 5-0. So I plugged in 12:00 AM, January 1, 2013, the 1st day of my 50th year and started watching it tick down. Tick. Tick. Tick.
I don't remember my 10th or 20th birthdays. I had an awesome 30th birthday (an excellent day.) I don't really remember my 40th birthday (although that time of my life was extraordinarily hectic.) So as I looked forward to my 50th, I wanted to make sure it was, well, memorable.
I also didn't want to target only a specific day, but an entire year. And, not just, "Ok, it's January 1st. Guess I better do something about something." I want to be "ready" for my 50th year.
So I looked at 500 days before that 50th year to "get ready." Part of that is writing in my journal. But I've only ever used it (a fine Moleskin I bought in Houston) sporadically. So, blogging it is. My goal is a minimum of 500 entries before 2013.
So here I am, at Panera, drinking a Chai Tea (another goal), feeling a little like a self-absorbed idiot.
And now 1 of 500 is done.
Hey Chris, this is a great idea! I have enjoyed your first 11 posts and look forward to the evolution of it! I was born in '65 and would like to copy the idea in a couple years, it isn't copyrighted or anything is it? I would hate to go to jail and do hard time before I'm 50.