Monday, September 5, 2011

A big wallet...


My Dad is very steady.

We spent this past Labor Day in Iowa Falls.  Dad was doing his thing, whipping out the wallet, paying for pizza, buying us gas.  One time I paid for our hotel room on a visit, and he was crushed.  He wanted to pay.  He wanted to provide.  I still have that feeling (faith I guess) that he's got it, that he's going to have some unlimited supply of funds.  I didn't stress about the pizza, or the gas, or the room.

Driving back to KC the Lord spoke to my heart, "I'm you're Father. That's how I am.  I want to provide, it gives me joy and I have unlimited wisdom, and funds. I have a big wallet."


1 comment:

  1. Dads do neat stuff like that and so does God! Thanks for sharing
