Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Be careful what you text.


Ok. I admit it. Some of these blogs I just sit down and start typing stuff that comes into my head.  But some of them I actually work on over time because I want to process through my memories and write something accurate.  Those entries that I write “on-purpose” may take a number of days to get through. In the mean time I fill-in with spontaneous rattle-trap.

All this is to say, I’ve misplaced my data stick.  It has something I’ve been working on about my first semester at The King’s Daughters’ School.  So until I find it, I’m stalled about KDS.


Here’s a true story:

In the midst of all the Penn State/Sandusky/Paterno/Abuse/Cover-up discussions a week ago, this happened. On a radio call-in show here in KC there was a discussion of how Sandusky ’s victims must feel about their abuse now that they are adults. This discussion then turned to a general discussion of the affects of childhood sexual abuse on adult men years after their abuse, especially if it has gone unreported. (Most sexual abuse, especially abuse against males, goes unreported.) The call-in show also routinely takes texts and those texts are read on the air.

One regular text-er to this particular radio show had an anonymous “tag.” (like “Wildcat”)  Wildcat had been sexually abused by an uncle when he was a child and had never reported it.  On this particular day, however, he disclosed his abuse anonymously in a text to the radio call-in show.

“FROM WILDCAT: I was sexually abused by my uncle when I was a young boy.  I am an adult now and I turned out alright.”

However, it never actually sent it to the radio show.

He inadvertently posted it to Facebook as his status.

Within minutes he discovered his error and deleted it, but it was too late.  His aunt had seen it and had already sent him a message, “I am so so sorry!”

Do you think there were some interesting discussions around the ole’ Thanksgiving table at Wildcat’s parents’ house this past weekend.


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