Monday, March 5, 2012

Rush Limbaugh


Basically, Rush Limbaugh sucks as a person.  He is right on some of his positions, but he seems to be a bad person...and he says stupid stuff...and he is an arrogant a-hole and I'm not sorry he is losing sponsors for calling a girl an awful name on his radio show.

Out of the mouth comes the overflow of the heart.  His mind has some good and true ideas, but his heart is corrupt. Can fresh & bitter water flow from the same well?

When asked about his calm demeanor on the basketball court, Akeem Olajuwan, said, "I am the same person inside whether I am on the court or not.  I cannot be one person here and than another person there.  If I am a good person on the court, than I am a good person off the court."

Rush Limbaugh is a blowhard on the air and a blowhard off the air.

And, "Yes," I am a conservative.


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