Friday, June 22, 2012

Political Feudalism

202 ("yes"...still 9 posts behind, and "no"...the orangutan on an iPad video did not count as a post.)

I was reading the last chapter of Christian's Heritage Studies  (Yes, we do school all the time) a couple days ago and the subject was Feudalism:

The Feudal System was introduced to England following the invasion and conquest of the country by William I (The Conqueror/from France...of course.) 

The system had been used in France by the Normans from the time they first settled there in about 900AD. It was a simple, but effective system, where all land was owned by the King. One quarter was kept by the King as his personal property, some was given to the church and the rest was leased out under strict controls.

A simple plan showing how the Feudal System works

Feudal System

The King was in complete control under the Feudal System. He owned all the land in the country and decided who he would lease land to. He therefore only allowed those men he could trust to lease land from him. However, before they were given any land they had to swear an oath to remain faithful to the King at all times. The men who leased land from the King were known as Barons, they were wealthy, powerful and had complete control of the land they leased from the King.

Barons leased land from the King which was known as a manor. They were known as the Lord of the Manor and were in complete control of this land. They established their own system of justice, minted their own money and set their own taxes. In return for the land they had been given by the King, the Barons had to serve on the royal council, pay rent and provide the King with Knights for military service when he demanded it. They also had to provide lodging and food for the King and his court when they travelled around the country. The Barons kept as much of their land as they wished for their own use, then divided the rest among their Knights. Barons were very rich.

Knights were given land by a Baron in return for military service when demanded by the King. They also had to protect the Baron and his family, as well as the Manor, from attack. The Knights kept as much of the land as they wished for their own personal use and distributed the rest to villeins (serfs). Although not as rich as the Barons, Knights were quite wealthy.

Villeins, sometimes known as serfs, were given land by Knights. They had to provide the Knight with free labour, food and service whenever it was demanded. Villeins had no rights. They were not allowed to leave the Manor and had to ask their Lord's permission before they could marry. Villeins were poor. 

As I read this with Christian, I was struck with how similar it is to our current political system, Instead of brokering land (which was the most important commodity in the Middle Ages) it is now the brokering of  power, will and influence.

There are a limited number of people who actually wield "power" because we, as a nation, resist that through our general DNA of oppositional/defiance.  We are, however, deeply influenced by the power of suggestion through the media. If we think it's our idea, then we'll "go to the wall" fighting for it.

Fealty. Nobles would swear "fealty" to other conquering Nobles in exchange for resources.  This is so much the fabric of our political system now there is no rooting it out. But instead of swearing fealty to an individual or family, you must swear fealty to a set of political/moral/cultural positions.  Often times there are only two choices of an issue on extreme ends of a spectrum.

For instance: Abortion

You are either Pro-choice (meaning a woman can chose to end her pregnancy for any and all reasons through all 9+ months of pregnancy/and it's a healthcare "right"/and it should be funded through insurance and the government)


You are Pro-life (meaning a pregnancy must be preserved by all medical means necessary throughout all 9+ months of pregnancy.  There are no justifiable reasons to end a pregnancy through medical means.)

A political figure must swear fealty to one of these positions to receive "land and title" in the political kingdom.

Same w/ Gay Marriage, and Taxes, and the Military, and 100 other issues.

These positions are defined for the candidate ahead of time and cannot shape them him/herself.

I would never run for office in this environment.  Which is why we're running out the Bozos that we are in congress and for the White House.


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