Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Looking for a Church


Once in Newton, we struggled to connect with a local Church.  We attended the local “Alliance” Church for the first couple of years.  The boys attended AWANAS each Wednesday, but Amy and I struggled to connect with the Church itself.  We met one couple who we remain friends with, but generally we were just too “Charismatic.”

We drove to the Vineyard Church in Des Moines for about a year.  We liked the “Vineyard way” and would have liked to be a part of a Vineyard Church in Newton, but in the end, it was too much to think about being part of a Church plant and be a part of IFI.

We had a “home-church” experience in our house for a year.  A few other families joined us Sunday evenings for prayer. It was fun and in some senses, rich, but again, it didn’t last.

Finally we attended the local Assembly of God Church.  We loved the Pastor and the Youth Group.  We also became close with the Wilson family and, of course, Meagan, Rana and Luke.  It became a home for us for a couple of years before our move to Kansas City.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been on blogger for a while. Got the teaching bug and accepted a gig being a college professor for a while. Must not be too bad at it. They offered me another contract for the spring. (They might be regretting it now though. I have really fallen behind on my grading. UGH) Anyway, this blessed me when I read it. You were a blessing to the community, to the church and to me personally. I think of you often and wish you were closer every time I do. I hope your family is blessed greatly!
