*Yesterday’s post cost me some cyber-friends, but I am not deterred from spewing my self-absorbed drivel throughout the interweb! (I still like the people who cyber-shunned me.)
My final reflection on the election (Hooray!)
Being FOR something or someone
is more powerful
than being AGAINST something or someone.
When it came right down to it…a majority of the voters were for President Obama. Despite all the numbers you could throw out there and the implications of those numbers (for example: higher taxes for 2012 at a rate of $1300-$6000 per household), people were for him. Conversely, voters were not for Romney. He was a candidate by default, (much like McGovern who I supported or Dukakis, or Dole, or Kerry, or McCain.) In that situation you are doomed to failure.
When Jimmy Carter (who I supported although I couldn’t vote because I was 17) ran in 1980, people were fed-up with the Iranian situation (GO SEE ARGO.) But there was a candidate who showed actual leadership like we hadn’t seen since Kennedy. That was Ronald Reagan. People were for him. When GHW Bush ran in 88, people were still really for Reagan, but in 1992 people figured out they really weren’t for Bush. They got behind the media darling, Bill Clinton.
I was never really for Romney, the man. He has been kind of a blank to me. This idea of voting against a candidate or issue by voting for another candidate just doesn’t have legs with the masses. It may have a local or regional affect, but spread to 100,000,000 voters, it doesn’t hold up.
People couldn’t be against Claire McCaskill by being for Todd Akin.
People couldn’t be against President Obama by being for Mitt Romney.
Hopefully they’ll be someone to be for in both parties in 4 years.
By the numbers:
As of today:
- 54 days until January 1st, 2013 (the beginning of my 50th year)
- 181 days until my 50th Birthday
- 12 pounds I’ve lost since January 1 (boo)
- 0, number of physicals I’ve had
- 17,891 views of 500to50
My body (however) is pressing the issue of going to the Dr. because my left leg and hip are in such agony I am having a difficult time with my mobility. I went to the Chiropractor multiple times a week from November of last year through May of this year without the lasting relief I was hoping for.
Self Absorbed or merely Enlightened? Where is the line?