Monday, December 31, 2012

How we came to Grandview...

December 31, 2012

Post # 364

I had visited the International House of Prayer in 2002.  I was so "captivated" by the environment that I remember praying, "Lord, I love IFI and I know you called me there. But if ever I was to move somewhere else, I would like to come be near IHOP."

So there I was, Spring 2006, without a job in Newton. I had a big house and 4 young sons. Amy was very busy homeschooling them and did not work outside of our home.

All I had was my Missouri Teachers Certification.

When I graduated from Northeast Missouri State, I was in one of the last classes to receive a lifetime teaching certificate.  It would be current and valid until the day I died.  So I loaded all of my information into the State of Missouri teacher job-search site called "MO-REAP."

I got a lot of contacts from school systems around the state. I had 12 years of Special Education experience. I had been an administrator for 5 years, and I was an older-dude.  Most school districts sent email responses and inquiries, but I got a phone call from the Special Education Director in Grandview.  She really wanted me for a Middle School SPED Coordinator.  And here's the kicker, the School was 5 minutes from the IHOP Prayer room.

So July 5th 2006 Amy and I drove to the KC area and I was offered the job on the spot.  I was paid basically the same salary for 10 months of work that I was getting from PF. I was at home by 4:00 nearly every day, and my kids had so many more opportunities in the area that were not available in Newton.

A few years later our whole family was back in Newton visiting friends.  We were driving by the Newton town square when one of the boys says from the back of the van said, "Dad, I'm glad you got fired. I like where we live now better."

It's bitter sweet.  I am thankful for the opportunities in Newton. God (as always) was very faithful to my family. I expect He always will be.


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