In the 2nd ½ of the 90’s, New Life was in full “Revival” swing. We had lots of guest speakers, protracted worship & prayer times, extended week-long meetings. We were at the church buildings a lot. We also had a lot of manifestations; falling-out, laughing, trembling, crying, running around. There was a lot of joy.
I also was digging deeper with the Lord and was attempting to surrender to the Holy Spirit in all things. I didn’t want to be a “naysayer” or “doubter.” Being open and accepting what was around me was good for my heart and the Holy Spirit was moving in me.
There were those at New Life who were very skeptical. When the ‘extreme” wackiness started, some people left, some people questioned, some people stood on the side and lobbed verbal pot-shots. A group of “concerned” New Lifers had gotten the ear of one of the more sympathetic Elders. He also had questions and concerns (Heck. I had questions and concerns.) So there was going to be a meeting; a meeting for those who wanted to share their concerns to come together in an open forum. It was going to be held at the church building. On one particular Sunday morning service, the Elder was going to come to the pulpit at the greeting time (after the first song) and announce the meeting for that evening.
Only some of the floor in the auditorium was carpeted. A majority of it was painted concrete. From my vantage point, I could see the Elder standing in the back of the auditorium. As we were wrapping up the first song I could see him make his way around the back of the congregation and down the far house-right side. As we were singing the last chorus of that first song, the Elder’s foot touched the carpet. Immediately he pitched forward and hit the floor. He lay there, motionless. The worship leader looked at the preacher in the front row. He shrugged his shoulders and we launched into the rest of our set.
No announcements.
No meeting.
Sometimes God doesn’t want a meeting.
Hey Chris, I enjoy reading these. I don't always see the new ones as they come so I try to catch up on them - especially the spiritual pilgrimage types.