I found a copy of the movie "The Road" starring Viggo Mortensen in the 5.99 bin at Walgreens.
It is my favorite book and one of my favorite movies. Definitely one of the best cated movies I've ever seen.
Here is my note when I was one of the few who ever saw it in a theatre:
The Road" by Cormac McCarthy
by Christopher L. Geil on Sunday, January 31, 2010 at 10:46pm ·
I read "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy in one day, almost at one sitting. It is bleak, brutal, depressing, and I loved it. It spoke to me because A.) I generally struggle with depression anyway and when I find an emotive piece of art that exceeds (or in this case de-ceeds) my well of gloominess it makes me feel better and B.) It is about a father who will do ANYTHING to protect his son both physically and emotionally.
I just saw the movie this afternoon. It was as if everything I saw in my mind's eye when I read the book had been transferred onto movie film and played in a theater. Even though I knew everything that was going to happen, including the end, I left the theater crying, and satisfied.
This is a particular movie for a particular kind of viewer. I imagine it would have been difficult to follow without reading the book, but then the book is also hard to follow.
I want to be one of the good guys. I want to carry the fire.

I just saw the movie this afternoon. It was as if everything I saw in my mind's eye when I read the book had been transferred onto movie film and played in a theater. Even though I knew everything that was going to happen, including the end, I left the theater crying, and satisfied.
This is a particular movie for a particular kind of viewer. I imagine it would have been difficult to follow without reading the book, but then the book is also hard to follow.
I want to be one of the good guys. I want to carry the fire.
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