Wednesday, August 24, 2011

On being fat...(the absolute final word on fatness)


Yes, being fat is the culmination of a series of choices and factors. And yes, I need to focus on the reasons for my weight and not necessarily the weight itself.  But again, theory and reality have away of avoiding each other.

"Look on the inside of people, where the real beauty is..." Thank You, Hallmark.  "Don't judge a book by it's cover..." Thank You, 2nd grade.  Do you know why books have covers? To sell the story inside the book.  For me it has always been much like the swirling of the toilet bowl.  I feel bad, I eat, I get fatter, I see myself, I get depressed, I feel bad, I eat, I get fatter, rinse, repeat.

This is an old pattern rooted in some of those enduring issues from my childhood.  There are competing views within me.  At times the healthy-me supercedes the unhealthy-me.  At other times I retreat to the familiar, but destructive place..(this blog has all gotten a bit to serious and is now a total downer.)

So I am on a quest to find a Doctor to give me the full medical work-up to establish my baseline.  Then I can be manly and start setting goals and making charts and getting my facts and figures in a line and take control! (sic)

My first Doctor of choice (Mister Doctor Troy Burns) does not take my insurance, so the search will continue.


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