Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A KDS story that may only amuse me...


At the King’s Daughters’ School we had a student named Maggie.

Maggie had some type of syndrome I couldn’t identify.  She had some great academic skills, but she had some tremendous speech articulation issues, she constantly walked on the balls of her feet.  She had a lot of self-stim hand flapping and motions and she was wired to go 100 miles and hour all the time. And, “Yes.” She was a red-head.   She would say bizarre things and perseverate on tangents and would be unpredictably assaultive in an explosive way. Other than that she was fine.

This is a funny moment that I don’t think I’ll be able to adequately convey.  The following was a serendipitous moment probably just for my enjoyment, but here it is anyway.

This happened in about three seconds.

We were enrolling a new student from the Bahamas.  Lexia was 8 years old but functioned more lie a four year old.  She spoke no English, but then again she didn’t speak.  She was so cute (but a lot of work.)

I was standing in the lobby with Lexia and her mother when Maggie came bounding through on her way to the cafeteria.  She said this all in one breath, without thinking, and without missing a stride.

            MAGGIE: Mr. Geil, Is that a new student?
            ME: Yes
            MAGGIE: What’s her name?
            ME: Lexia
            MAGGIE: Lexia. Like the car. That’s a good American name.

…as she bounded on to her residence.

See. I told you…


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