Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Boom vs X


I’m now going to look at the characteristics of Baby Boomers and Xers (including the Modern/Postmodern comparison) to see where I “fit” in each…

(My responses are in Red.)

Baby Boomer Characteristics
  • They are motivated by high positions of prestige and an extra benefit that comes along.
  • Not me-I don’t like “prestige.”
  • They work hard to achieve the career goals in life.
  • Like me-I set goals.
  • They define self worth by their work and professional accomplishments.
  • Somewhat like me, depending on the job/career.
  • They often think that the 'gen-next' lack work ethics and commitment to the work place.
  • I think most people lack work ethic & commitment.
  • They are self reliant, independent and confident.
  • I am self reliant and independent (my confidence waivers from time to time.)
  • They have a strong belief in individualism.
  • Very much like me.
  • They are dedicated, passionate, and resourceful.
  • Can be like me.
  • They have a rebellious streak and are not afraid of challenging the prevalent practices.
  • Yes
  • They are open to change and adapt new things.
  • Yes
  • They often switch careers and are inclined towards starting a business.
  • I’ve switched a lot, but not in an entrepreneurial way.
  • They avoid too much long term planning.
  • Not like me…I plan!
  • Though they are idealistic, they are competitive and goal oriented.
  • Yes
  • They keep a positive attitude in life and change with time.
  • I am not overly positive-or positive at all, actually
  • They listened to rock and roll, which was the expression of their generational identity.
  • Depends on how you define, “Rock & Roll.”
  • They welcome challenges in life and strive to make a difference.
  • I’m not a “challenge” guy, only if it is the only way.
  • They adapt well to new technology.
  • Yes
  • They are pragmatic and are concerned with health and environment issues.
  • I don’t care about my health, or the environment…sorry.
  • They enjoy their free time and vacations to the fullest.
  • I like free time!
  • Another important baby boomer characteristic is that they think themselves as a special generation.
  • I do not think I’m special, or that my generation is special, quite the contrary.

Generation X Characteristics

·         Divorce and working moms created "latchkey" kids.
·         No divorce, but my mother worked and went to college while I was growing up. I came home to an empty house often.
·         Traits of independence, resilience and adaptability.
·         Yes
·         Feels strongly that "I don't need someone looking over my shoulder."
·         Very much like me (to a fault)
·         Practical, self-reliant and individualistic.
·         Yes
·         Not too keen about rules and traditions.
·         I don’t like traditions.
·         Deep mistrust for institutions.
·         I am nearly paranoid towards institutions.
·         Frustrated, cynical, “slackers.”
·         I am cynical, not really frustrated, and not a “slacker.”
·         Grunge attire, Alternative music, Living w/parents
·         I was wearing “grunge” in 1978 (no disco polyester). We called it “being a slob.”  There is no other alternative but alternative (96.5 The Buzz.) I haven’t lived at home since August of 1981.
·         Expects immediate and ongoing feedback, and is equally comfortable giving feedback to others.
·         Maybe…
·         Working well in multicultural settings.
·         I prefer it…
·         Desire for some fun in the workplace.
·         Must have jokes…
·         Pragmatic approach to getting things done.
·         I am painfully pragmatic…
·         Deep disdain towards bureaucracy and corporate politics
·         I hate ALL politics, not just cororate.
·         Redefined workplace loyalty. (Instead of remaining loyal to their company, they have a commitment to their work, to the team they work with, and the boss they work for. For example, a Baby Boomer complains about his dissatisfaction with management, but figures its part of the job. A Gen Xer doesn't waste time complaining-she sends her resume out and accepts the best offer she can find at another organization.)
·         Uh…yes…
·         Career lattice. They can move laterally, stop and start, their career is more fluid. They valued their independence at their workplace.
·         Very much like me. I nearly always move laterally for the sake of work environment and independence over status of money.

Modern vs. Postmodern

·         Modernism values a single worldview rooted in objective science.
·         I’m like this now as far as the “single worldview” goes, but I’m a Christian. I was not like this before I was saved.
·         Postmodernism values multiple world-views based on subjective experiences and contingencies.
·         See above…
·         Modernism gathers information and knowledge are in a linear fashion.
·         I’ve become more linear in my approach, probably because I’m a teacher.
·         Postmodernism (Generation X) seek out information from fragmented and nonlinear sources, such as hypertext, visuals, and audio sampling.
·         I prefer to learn this way.
·         Modernists revere classical art and literature.
·         Not so much.
·         Postmodernists broaden their frame of reference to include pop-culture productions such as music videos and animation.
·         Me.
·         Modernists view institutions such as government, education, corporations, and media as authoritative.
·         No
·         Generation X views these same institutions with suspicion, cynicism and a critical eye.
·         Yes

So, I look to be a mixture of the two generations.  Which leads me to my next alternative:

“Generation Jones”


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